As a lightweight, compact and very easy-to-use camera the Leica CL is the perfect camera for traveling. Whether I was working manually or on automatic, I could shoot really casually and was able to enjoy the moment
From the very beginning I knew I wanted to become a “Leica photographer”. I love the brand image, the history and all of the world-famous photos that have been shot with Leica cameras. The design and quality of the cameras is what appeals to me as well. The chilled-out courtyard of the Casa Preta seemed like the ideal location for a photo shoot with the Leica CL.
Rozwiń skrzydła
Wyjątkowość obrazu widoczna w każdym zdjęciu: Leica ma ponad 150-letnie doświadczenie w opracowywaniu precyzyjnych mechanizmów optycznych. Konstrukcja aparatu Leica APS-C czerpie z tego ogromnego zasobu wiedzy stawiając na bezkompromisową dbałość o każdy szczegół.
L-Mount A new era of creative freedom
For the first time in the history of digital photography, a cross-format lens mount standard has been established that allows lenses made by different manufacturers to be used on each other’s system cameras.